protohubs unity prototype playground

Protohubs prototype playground
- Unity testrooms
testing and designing live with simple shapes and physics

active games (arcade) - MR open space experiences aimed for the younger demographic

defend the tree - open space game in mixed reality, a battle against time. shapesxr prototype.
swarm - an open space mixed reality game focused on the intersection of observation and hunting. shapesxr prototype.
swarm - an open space mixed reality game focused on the intersection of observation and hunting. shapesxr prototype.

mixed reality yoga & bodyweight studios

body parts gaze focused selection on a human shape
exercise with a usage of a physical object / tool with a virtual object mapped on it
combining gaze control & movement progression
interactive gesture selection interface
various interactions in mixed reality - the control of the enviroment with human action, progression showing by changing the virtual landscape and elements.
miniatures of the actual experiences
map pinned to gaze

IOX design system foundation tests

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